Fireflies of the Mind

Price: $11.99


Book Title: Fireflies of the Mind: A Journey into Mindfulness and Inner Strength
Author: Juliet Morse Aucreman (Author, Illustrator), John Schulte (Editor)
Format: Paperback; 73 pages, (other formats available)
Publisher: ‎‎Pangea Press (October 3, 2019)
Language: English
Shipping Weight: ‎7.2 ounces

Available at Amazon

Fireflies of the Mind is an elegant story woven into a musical, artistic, and philosophical journey for multiple age groups. Through playful thoughtfulness and whimsical imagery, readers and listeners come to embrace parts of themselves they may have ignored, and discover new ways to see strengths in their individual differences. Fireflies of the Mind celebrates individuality and unique brain wiring and helps participants actively seek new ways of being, growing, and joining the world about them. Look for the companion soundtrack to the book to complete the experience! Song lyrics are included in the set of the book. Songs are also available as downloads or streams from AmazonMusic, AppleMusic, and other popular streaming services. CD of the songs is also available via Amazon.

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